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In 1918, just 13 years after a handful of young Chicago businessmen founded Rotary, the movement reached Puerto Rico with the establishment of this club. Today, San Juan Rotary, with more than 80 members, is the second largest of the island's Rotary Clubs, and the largest English-speaking Club south of Florida. The Club's activities are all conducted in English. A major milestone in the Club's history was achieved in 1987, with the induction of five of the world's first women Rotarians. The Club elected its first female director in 1989. Each November, club members vote by secret ballot for a President, President-elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and two of the four Directors who supervise committee work. The five officers serve one-year terms while the directors serve two-year terms. Those elected in November assume their duties the following July 1st. The Board constitutes San Juan Rotary's governing body in accordance with the Club By-Laws.