On Tuesday 25th of June, we met for lunch at AFDA to celebrate the last meeting of the outgoing President (that would be me). We were fortunate to have the visit of our District Governor, Marco Belen Thillet, who administered the oath of office to the incoming President Jorge Gonzalez and to the new Board of Directors for the year 2024-2025. There was a very nice group of Rotarians, and we had three guests, Eva (Pinky) Pico de Gonzalez, Jorge's wife, and Sylvia Fernandez Colorado and Wilfredo Bachour.
---Since this is my last message as President, I want to take the opportunity to thank again with all my heart, all of you that helped me during the year, especially my Board of Directors who so faithfully fulfilled their duties. Following is the message that I delivered at our lunch meeting, for the benefit of those that were not present.
Today I have to give a report to you about my incumbency as President. A year has gone by very quickly. As you may remember, I retired from my work as Registrar of the Property last August, and Rotary has kept me so busy that I have not missed my work.
We started last July 2023 with the visit from the Governor Maria del Carmen Pacheco, who came to take our oath of office, just as Marco Belen has come today to do the same for the new Board. I take this opportunity to thank Carmen for the help and support that she has given us and also, to congratulate her on the excellent job she has performed all these months. She couldn't be with us today and Marco brings us a message from her.
---My report to you is the following, and I will try to make it short:
--We held several activities with other entities, like the one with the Lions Club of Hato Rey with which we donated blankets to the Hospital Pediatrico; with the Rotary Club of Manati, Juanita donated a wheelchair in our name for an activity held by them; raised $215 for the March of Dimes campaign; and together with the Santurce Rotary Club we participated twice, once in the Comparte tu Compra day and another, requesting donations to create a scholarship fund.
--We raised $1,000 which Ray Erb paired, to make it a total of $2,000 to send 8 students to participate in RYLA, which you know is for improving leadership skills of high school students.
--We held the annual Thanksgiving lunch for the Boys and Girls Club at the Sheraton Hotel of the Convention Center who hosted the event.
--We celebrated the Citizen of the Year Award Dinner where we honored Commander Carmen Rosario from the American Legion.
--We had more than 30 professionals speak to us in our weekly meetings, some of which you may remember, Kim Casiano on her Ford Board of Directors experience, Lillian Rodriguez from Voces, Hector Sanchez from Polio Plus, Jose Luis Rivera from PR-USA Chamber of Commerce, Don Marx on Afghanistan, Michy Rexach from ACUTAS, Rob Bolt on Innovation in Education, Daven Michaels on how to be on the New York Best Seller list, Joel Sanders about business and marketing strategies, Jose Irizarry on Crear un Buen Dia, Dr. Sigrid Mendoza and Dr. Josiemer Mattei about their research projects at Harvard, Enid Reyes about Synergy Foundation, Maria Rivera about Empower Art Coach, Myrna Rivera on Financial Matters, Jose Delanoy from the Casals Foundation, Cameron McKenzie, Consul of Japan, Jose Rivero "Pepito", on systems of information and internet, Luz Miriam Ortiz on membership, Rushton Hurley on Creative Solutions, Steve Waterman about dengue, Laura Pagan from Souns Project, Kathleen Hogan and Denise Dolan from the Fisher Foundation, Georgie Hildebrand and Rosanna Rog from the Paul Harris Foundation, Kent Kramer on how to set up a Goodwill store in P. R. We also heard from some past presidents and old timers of our Club, and there are still some more that I may not have mentioned, but I think you get the message. I want to congratulate and thank Juanita for coordinating and making possible the visits of all these speakers.
--We hosted the Interact Group from New Hampshire. Special thanks to Jorge for hosting them in his farm.
--We visited Tinto y Blanco 12 times on second Tuesdays and two times more for the Intercitadina get togethers organized by the District.
--Tito and I and several other members of the Board have represented our Rotary Club and carried our message to other activities held by other organizations.
--Our Club proposed Gerry Cumpiano for Governor for the year 2026-2027 and was accepted, please give Gerry a hand.
--We have ended the year with 66 members as certified by our Secretary. Although we initiated 9 new members, unfortunately almost that same number have resigned or died.
-- Before I finish, I want to remind all of you that have not contributed, to please donate to the scholarship fund, which will make a difference in some students' lives.
--All this is a brief summary of our accomplishments during the year for which I give thanks first to God for permitting me to be healthy and able, and for giving me a lifetime partner, Tito, who was my advisor and chauffer, and I couldn't have done it without him, thank you, Tito.
--I thank all of you for the opportunity you gave me to be of service to this organization whose purpose is to give back to the community.
---I want to recognize that I could not have done this work without the help and support of my Board of Directors, to which I give my sincere thanks. Last week we had a Recognition and Awards Luncheon in their honor.
--- I also want to thank the officers and employees of the AFDA Club that help us in our weekly meetings.
---You know that during the year we have given out several Paul Harris Foundation pins to many members. Well, today, I have one to give out, a red pin to Maria Rivera. (Paul Harris + 6).
--- At this point I want to recognize a person with the award of Rotarian of the Year. He has been there all year giving support to the Club and to me, every time we needed him, by generously contributing his time and efforts on our behalf. The Rotarian of the Year is Luis Ramirez, but unfortunately, he couldn't be with us today.
---I also congratulate and wish the best to Jorge Gonzalez, who is taking over the reins of this Club for next year.
May God bless all of you and thank you!
Near the end of the activity, Jorge and Juanita gave me in the name of the Club, a beautiful serigraphy of the Capilla del Cristo by artist Ana Nicholson. Thank you all for such a lovely detail.
I will never forget this year that I have been your President.
The best to all of you, May God bless!
As a reminder, this is the new Board of Directors 2024-2025:
Jorge Gonzalez – President
Delia Colorado- Past President
Antonia Jimenez – Secretary
Gerry Cumpiano – Treasurer
Juanita Morris – Club Administrator
Robert Bolt – Membership
Antonio (Tito) Colorado- Rotary Foundation
Felix Rivera – Service Programs
Jose (Pepito) Rivero – Public Image