On Tuesday evening, Michele Crespo, our member, along with her life partner Melissa, hosted our monthly fellowship meeting at her Roller Skating Shop. She shared her remarkable journey from playing varsity volleyball at a Michigan college, to becoming a stepmom at 25 to three young nephews, to running a beauty parlor, and finally to coaching roller skating and managing sales. Afterwards, we gathered at her lovely adjacent home where she showcased her cooking talents. We discussed the challenges she faces in her business and explored ways Rotary members could support her ongoing development. These member-hosted gatherings provide exceptional opportunities to deepen our understanding of one another and our families. Rotary embodies fellowship and service, and we must dedicate efforts to both.
February 22-28: Welcome senior and junior Interact Club members with supervisors from Keene, NH for community volunteer work.
February 23 (Sunday): Celebrate Rotary International World Understanding and Peace Day. Award student contest winners and recognize a Rotarian and a non-Rotarian who have exemplified non-violence, in coordination with the District.
Service Projects in the Pipeline:
- Support for juvenile and adult prisoners as part of Proyecto Rotario PRoPaz.
- Installation of the Pablo Casals Peace Monument (proposed sculpture by Nilda Comas) and Peace Poles at the reconstructed Luis Muñoz Rivera Park.
- Assistance for the Fisher Home Organization VA project in front of the San Francisco Shopping Center.
- Emergency Preparedness Project.
DISTRICT GOVERNOR Juanita Valentin Morris presented Rotary International's 100 YEARS OF MEMBERSHIP certificate to Club President Pepito. in recognition of San Juan Rotary's century of the Object of Rotary, Service Above Self.
Celebrating 106 Anniversary
PO Box 9021529
San Juan, PR 00902-1529
United States of America