Video by: FR Gerry Cumpiano, P.P. & DGN
By: Brad Krishnamurthy
Volunteers, you are all invited to help prepare for and serve the children of the Boys and Girls Club of Puerto Rico in our 37th annual Thanksgiving Day Lunch. We will serve over 300 children from all over Puerto Rico. Even if you can’t stay, pass by and observe firsthand what a joyous event this it. Takes place this Wednesday November 27th between 9am and 1pm, at the La Concha Resort in Condado.
DISTRICT GOVERNOR Juanita Valentin Morris presented Rotary International's 100 YEARS OF MEMBERSHIP certificate to Club President Pepito. in recognition of San Juan Rotary's century of the Object of Rotary, Service Above Self.
Celebrating 106 Anniversary
San Juan, PR 00902
United States of America